The team at Escaping the Healthcare Prison is dedicated to showing how healthcare consumers can escape their PRISON. Each of us has been a healthcare prisoner one time or another. The spectrum of issues is endless. Our monthly ESCAPE PLANS will help you navigate the healthcare maze.
Jim, a 59-year-old male recently had his yearly check up with his specialty doctor. Jim and his doctor were reviewing his prescriptions of which one was specialty drug not covered by his insurance. Jim asked his doctor to renew all his prescriptions with his local Pharmacy. The specialty drug was included. Jim knew the drug was not covered under is insurance plan. Jim had never bought the prescription because it was of the high cost.
Jim received a call from the Pharmacy that his prescriptions were ready, but the specialty drug was not covered. They advised him to find a coupon and bring it in. Jim heard about companies that helped consumers reduce their drug costs. Jim looked up the drug on Good RX and found a coupon for 30 pills for $19.85. Jim printed the coupon and went to Pharmacy.
Jim arrived at the pharmacy to pick up his prescription. The pharmacist told Jim prescription for his speciality drug was priced at $2,164.49 for 30 pills. This is the cash and carry price. They asked Jim if he brought in a coupon. Jim presented the Good RX coupon, the Pharmacy accepted it and Jim paid $19.85. Jim saved $2,144.64. Remember, in previous years Jim never bought the prescription because it was too expensive, and he did not realize how Good RX works. Also, congratulations to Pharmacy for suggesting to Jim to check on coupons.
1. Always check on Good RX or similar companies the cost of your prescription and compare the Good RX cost with your insurance co pays. You may be surprised to find out that they are cheaper.
2. If you do not have insurance or your insurance will not cover the prescription, always check Good RX or other similar companies.
3. Shopping healthcare is the future. Start small and work up to the bigger purchases.
Your team at Escaping the Healthcare Prison is always there to help the consumer. Use our website to let us know how we can help.