KEEPING THE CONSUMER SAFE; LIVING WITH COVID Segment 9: Covid Story 2 Part 1; The Dallas Story
Healthcare Consumer Navigator Center is a Healthcare Consumer Advocate Organization that helps consumer navigate the healthcare maze. The following Series “KEEPING THE CONSUMER SAFE; LIVING WITH COVID”. Our goal is to provide a commonsense approach to living with covid with general healthcare information.
My covid story is what happened to one of my family members. It all started on January 5, 2021, with covid symptoms. The following are the events that occurred:
1/7/2021: Went to get tested for Covid
1/10/2021: Test came back positive
1/11/2021: Contacted the Primary Care Physician and had a Telemedicine visit The Telemedicine visit did not check the oxygen level or lungs which is critical to Covid. Doctor prescribed Ivermectin. Doctor did not recommend any other treatments that were available such as Monoclonal Antibody Therapy.
What is Ivermectin: Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug that is used to treat river blindness and intestinal roundworm infection in humans and to de-worm pets and livestock. Lotions and creams containing ivermectin are also used to treat head lice and rosacea.
Here’s What You Need to Know about Ivermectin
- The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals. Ivermectin is approved for human use to treat infections caused by some parasitic worms and head lice and skin conditions like rosacea.
- Currently available data do not show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19. Clinical trialsassessing ivermectin tablets for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in people are ongoing.
- Taking large doses of ivermectin is dangerous.
- If your health care provider writes you an ivermectin prescription, fill it through a legitimate source such as a pharmacy, and take it exactlyas prescribed.
- Never use medications intended for animals on yourself or other people. Animal ivermectin products are very different from those approved for humans. Use of animal ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in humans is dangerous.
1/13/2021: Had Telemedicine visits with the Doctor. Continue with Medication was on the medication for 3 days…no real improvement
1/14/2021: Family member found out a Covid Treatment called Monoclonal Antibody Therapy was approved and was available locally. (Trump had the treatment) Family member contacted the clinic that provided the treatment. Obtain necessary authorization forms for the Primary Care Doctor to fille out.
1/15/2021 Had Telemedicine visit. Family member asked about the Monoclonal Antibody Therapy treatment and did not get a favorable answer. Family member insisted the doctor fill out a preauthorization for the treatment.
How does monoclonal antibody therapy work?
Monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapy, also called monoclonal antibody infusion treatment, is a way of treating COVID-19. The goal of this therapy is to help prevent hospitalizations, reduce viral loads and lessen symptom severity.
This therapy can be extremely effective, but it’s not a replacement for vaccination. The community still needs to step up and get vaccinated to break the virus’ chain of transmission.
Who is eligible to receive monoclonal antibody therapy?
Monoclonal antibody treatment is available to individuals who:
- Are high risk** for developing severe COVID-19 and
- Have a positive COVID-19 test and have not yet been admitted to the hospital and
- Are 12 years of age or older (and at least 88 pounds)
Post-exposure preventive monoclonal antibodies are available to those who have been exposed (consistent with the CDC’s close contact criteria)* and who are:
- High risk** for developing severe COVID-19 and
- 12 years of age or older (and at least 88 pounds) and
- Not fully vaccinated or vaccinated but immunocompromised
1/16/2021: Received preauthorization
1/17/2021 Contacted the Treatment Center to schedule treatment; Family member getting worse
1/18/2021; Decided to go to the Emergency Room. ADMITTED TO THE HOSPITAL AND SENT TO THE COVID ISOLATION UNIT. ADMITTED BECAUSE THE PATIENT’S OXYGEN LEVELS WERE IN THE MID 70’S. NORMAL IN THE 90’S. COVID NOW IN THE LUNGS. Family members wife tested positive; ER doctor contacted the clinic providing monoclonal antibody therapy and scheduled an appointment on 1/20/2021. Prevented a more serious medical event.
Primary Care Never followed up….
Clearly the treating doctor was not informed as to how to treat Covid. Never recommended the Monoclonal Antibody Treatment. Family member had to explain and insisted the doctor complete a preauthorization form.
Telemedicine visits are good but not with Covid. Oxygen Levels, Blood Pressure, etc. cannot be performed on a telemedicine visit to determine if the patient has issues.
Use common sense…if your condition is not improving, go the Emergency Room